Tune Inward: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing

As you may already know, I have been practicing Reiki since 2019. But that was also a time of great change in my life—I was shifting from a career in Social Services to Banking while also studying to become a Realtor. I was figuring out who I truly was, where I fit in, and how to show up authentically. I went through a lot of emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges and growth. I recall being in a constant state of stress, anxiety, and depression. It came in waves, riding the highs and lows as life, real estate, and these cycles typically go. I managed to come out more authentic, happier, and at peace—but I can’t say I handled it all in a healthy, grounded, or “zen” way. I had my moments.

Eventually, I reached a point where I realized my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health were all suffering—and it was NOT worth it. I learned so much from the business, the people, and the field in general, but I came to understand that true wealth is in investing time and energy into my health. If I didn’t have that, I had nothing.

Today, I work alongside an amazing Chiropractor while also running my Reiki practice from the space. I can honestly say that today, I am the happiest, most grounded, and most confident I’ve ever been. Am I exactly where I want to be in every aspect of my life? Absolutely not. But that’s the beautiful thing about life—it’s a journey. As I continue doing what I love, I trust that the right people, places, and experiences will align in due time.

All of that to say—over these past few years, I’ve learned to truly tune into myself, uncover what feels aligned to my mind, body, and soul, listen and honor that voice, and take inspired action backed by unshakable faith and trust. I’ve also learned to surrender to the unseen forces beyond our perception. It’s a daily practice, but without it, life feels meaningless.


Do you know what you want? What is your intention foryour life?

What challenges are preventing you from being, doing, or having that?

Remember: Awareness is key. But awareness alone changes nothing—you need a reason to change.

That change happens either because you have a strong enough desire to change or because you have no choice but to change.

Check in with yourself: Are you ready to change?

If you’re unsure, that’s okay. Take some time, rest, reflect, and realign with a sense of renewal and readiness.

Have a clear goal, intention, or purpose that you’re working toward, and take aligned action to reach it.


Our true selves are so deeply buried beneath layers of limiting beliefs, subconscious patterns, traumas, and unhealthy habits, that sometimes, we don’t even recognize our own truth, let alone know what we truly want or why we need and deserve to have it.

It’s a journey of peeling back the layers, unlearning the bullshit we’ve been taught, and rediscovering our true nature.


Tune in. Discover your intention.


If you don'‘t know where to start, that’s okay.

Ask yourself this: Do you trust yourself enough to surrender to your body’s natural, innate ability to heal?

If you don’t trust it yet, that’s okay too. Maybe we start with something simple—just a little love and gratitude for your body, for keeping your heart pumping, your lungs breathing, and carrying you through life, even when you weren’t paying attention to it.

If you do trust it and are ready to surrender to it’s healing abilities, then schedule a session—and let your body do its thing. <3 It knows.

- dD